This is an article from an Investor newsletter with some amazing insights as to why Silver is the buy of the Century.,
He's known as the "Bootstrap Genius." And his story is nothing short of sensational. By the age of six, he had been orphaned by his father, a peasant carpenter in rural China. No one could've known it at the time... but this boy would one day revolutionize the world.
Ten years ago, inside a poorly-funded laboratory in a backwater Chinese outpost, he single-handedly invented a new kind of battery. It was the lightest, most powerful battery on the planet. And it simply blew away any other power source of its kind.
(If you had a cell phone or laptop in the 90s, you'll recall the short life, constant charging, and the heavy weight the device's battery required.) This man's innovation in lithium-ion batteries is what now enables those devices to last days on a single charge. And it was that single innovation that would transform him
into the richest man in China... But it's this inventor's latest genius stroke — which I'll explain in full below — that could easily return you...
More than $27,000 on a $500 Investment...
or $270,000 on a $5,000 Investment...
It sounds a bit unrealistic, I know.I thought so, too... until I discovered this:
One savvy investor put up $230 million in this genius's company last September and has already turned a billion dollar profit... in less than a year...
Of course, this kind of wealth and growth doesn't come easily. Inventions just don't appear out of thin air. As Thomas Edison said, "Inventions are 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration." But I'm not talking about an ordinary invention... or an ordinary inventor. At the age of 29 — fed up with party bureaucrats, red tape, and poor funding — this man borrowed $300,000 and founded a small company to exploit the unique benefits of his battery technology."One of the Worlds 50 Most Innovative Companies"
- Fast Company Magazine
Success came quickly. As I mentioned, his technology suddenly found itself in 50% of the world's cell phones!
That's when this genius inventor came up with an even bigger idea... the
"Locked-down Lithium Strategy" to capitalize on the future of transportation.
You see, the secret to making billions from the electric car industry isn't in the car itself...
It's in the battery. So he's gone from building the world's most successful battery company... and formed what will be the world's most successful car company... In fact, his company has gone on record saying they will be
bigger than Toyota by 2025!
The World's Fastest Growing Car Market Will Consume More Silver Than ever Before in the History of the World...